I love spring time in Colorado! One day it will be 80 degrees and the next it's snowing. You never know what life is going to bring! The kids are just happy that most days now it's warm enough for them to play outside. And of course I'm not complaining that they're running around outside instead of tearing up the house either. Douglas and I had our birthdays last month, which was fun. I think the kids have more fun with birthdays than we do though...maybe it's because we don't want to get any older? Oh well!
Brandon has been playing soccer and he LOVES it! His team had their first loss today, which was kind of sad, but at least they only lost by one point. At their age it's more herd-ball than soccer anyway. I love watching the little kids play. They are absolutely adorable! Now the girls want to play soccer too so we'll have to sign them up next time around.
Of course the other day at soccer practice I thought Katie was rubbing my back and I was thinking how sweet she was and then I realized she wasn't rubbing my back at all. She was drawing all over the back of my white hoodie with black marker!!!!! I got it out though. What a stinker...
There's only two more weeks of school left and then it's summer break. ALREADY??? Where did the whole school year go? I can't believe how fast they all grow up! The other day Brandon told me he knows that the Easter Bunny isn't real. I asked him where he heard that and he told me that he just figured it out on his own. He said, "Think about it mom, bunnies are small. Have you ever seen a huge bunny that can carry a basket full of eggs and hide them? I haven't. I know it's not real. It doesn't even make sense." That made me kind of sad...he's only 6 and still in kindergarten. I guess I was hoping it would last a little bit longer. At least he still believes in Santa Claus!
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