Monday, May 31, 2010

School's out!!!!

WOW May was a totally CRAZY month! So much was happening with the end of school. I went to Brandon's field day at school during his last week of school and got some great pictures of him doing all of the super fun activities. I don't remember field day being that fun when I was his age! As part of their field day the kindergarten classes walked a mile for the Relay for Life to support the American Cancer Society. I went on the walk with them and I was surprised how much they had learned about cancer. It was a lot of fun hanging out with my little guy and his buddies for the day. He also had his party the last day of school where he got the Brightest Smile Award because he ALWAYS has a big smile on his face. I'll miss helping out in his class every week. Those little kiddos kind of grow on you after a while :) My brother, Ethan, graduated from Aims with his Criminal Justice degree so Douglas and I went to watch his ceremony. Then my sister, Hannah, graduated from Roosevelt High School so we went to watch her too. I must admit I feel kinda old with them all graduating. My hubby had two business trips this month so that kept me busy attempting to be Super Mom all on my own but we survived. I think it's harder on the kids than on me when he's gone. My grandma came to visit for about a week, which the kids absolutely loved! They have been missing their GG. I finished my first round of cake decorating classes last week and I'll start the next course next week. I am WAY more intimidated by this next looks like it will be pretty tough! All I needed to learn in the first class was roses. I had learned them before but it was years ago and I needed a bit of a refresher on them. It was fun to get away for a couple hours a week and play with frosting :) And of course we had to get out the big slip-n-slide in the backyard last week. I'm not sure if dad or the kids had more fun with it! And yes, they got me to go down a few times too. Our neighbors behind us were laughing pretty hard at this mommy and daddy slip-n-sliding all over the place! Good times!!
PS - I added some of my favorite movie music moments. Enjoy!

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