I absolutely love and adore my children. Some days though between soccer practice, dance classes, cheerleading clinics, birthday parties, volunteering at school, toothpaste on the ceiling, juice on the couch, more laundry than one person could EVER do, and everything else that come along with my children I feel like pulling my hair out! You know you did this to yourself on purpose but just can't seem to remember why...?
Then you have one of those moments when you are tucking them into their snug little beds and they hug you and say, "Mom, this was the best day ever and you are the best mom in the whole world." Or when they say, "Mom, you are the best peanut butter sandwich maker ever." Then you remember why you do this day in and day out constantly sacrificing everything that you have and are for the sake of your sweet little angels that you just couldn't live without. They are my joy and my purpose in life. I LOVE my kiddos!
I can't believe it has already been 7 years since my sweet little Brandon came into my life making me a mommy for the first time. He truly has a heart of gold. Sometimes he is almost too nice like when he is playing soccer and he lets the other team take the ball from him so they can have a turn too. He is always trying to make everyone around him happy and he has a cutest darn smile I've ever seen! He is an amazing boy!
These are the kids that came to Brandon's birthday party this year. He has a lot of really good friends! What a lucky boy!
Emily did the Windsor Junior Cheerleading clinic this year. She thought it was the coolest thing ever! She was so cute learning the dance and cheer and it brought back so many memories of the "good old days". It was a lot of fun watching her perform at the football game.

Emily's good friend, MacKenzie, was in cheerleading with her :-)
Katie started preschool because a spot opened up at the school by our house. She is so happy to be able to go to the "big kid school" like Brandon and Emily. She rides her bike to school everyday just like the other kids do. She is my little ham having to be the center of attention everywhere she goes but she is a lot of fun to be around!