School starts next week....WHAT??? Where did summer break go? We had a busy last week trying to squeeze in those last few things we wanted to get done. Last weekend we took the kids to the Ault Fall Festival Parade, which I think was a little better this year than the last time I went. The kids love all the big tractors and equipment they get to see.

Then we went to Elitch's this week for the first time with our kids now that they are all big enough to ride all the kid rides. They had an absolute blast! We went with Justin, Jamie, Lexi, and Hayden, which made it more fun. The kids rode all the kid rides and then we went to the water park and then they rode the rides all over again. I was surprised at how well they did! Plus, we got to meet Bob the Builder! (okay so that wasn't exactly my favorite part of the day but I will always remember the cheesy singers in that show!)
The next day I took the kids to Windsor lake for a few hours so they could play in the water and we made sand castles together. We had to stop at the dollar store on our way to get more buckets and shovels and water toys because apparently we didn't have enough. At least we ended up with plenty of stuff to share with our friends.

Then the next day the kids had their ice cream social at school to meet their new teachers. We were worried Brandon didn't know anyone in his class but he will sit right next to a girl from his kindergarten class and right across from a boy that was on his soccer team so he is really excited.

Emily can't wait to start school and it's killing her that kindergarten doesn't start until Wednesday when everyone else starts on Monday. I'm pretty sure she'll survive though. She starts dance on Wednesday too. Katie is excited to do preschool with her friends and she was so happy to get her tap and ballet shoes I thought she was going to cry. She is excited to have a lot of time alone with mommy to be my big helper!
By the way, Emmy asked me how many days until Christmas this morning, which I thought was a little random, but then she is my daughter. So, in case any of you are wondering, Christmas is in 134 days :o)
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