Well we did the farm show again this year. It's almost like a second Christmas for Brandon. He absolutely LOVES it!!! He just can't get enough of all the big farm equipment. The kids all love all of the free popcorn too! Now I must admit I don't exactly look forward to the farm show every year. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that my husband mysteriously disappears to talk to people he knows and even though he says he will be "right back" we don't see him at all. That wouldn't bother me too much normally but it's hard keeping track of all three of my kiddos around all of the big equipment and who needs help getting in what and down from something else...it's kind of frustrating! But I suck it up and do it every year anyway because they love it and that's what moms are supposed to do.
One day we had fun blowing bubbles outside. Emmy did it in preschool and when the other kids saw her little bubble blower they both HAD to make one too. They had a lot of fun with it. They also made snow castles in the back yard together. I think they are missing their sand box.
PS: I hope you enjoy the "farm show" music!
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