Friday, April 15, 2011

Soccer time is here again!

Brandon and Emily are playing soccer this spring and they both had their first game last Saturday.  Emily's team totally got creamed but they had a lot of fun so they didn't really care.  Those U6 games are so fun to watch!  The cute little guys don't have a clue what they're doing.  Brandon's team did really well.  It's fun to see how much he has improved since he first started. 
They ended up having their practices land on different days so we are at the soccer fields 5 days a week, which can be kind of a pain in the backside!  Katie doesn't mind too much because she gets to play at the park every time since their fields are the closest ones to the park.  I am looking forward to the end of school so I'll have a little bit of time to get things done.   
Douglas ended up being the assistant coach for Brandon's team because the coach was going to be out of town for a whole week and nobody else would help out.  I think it's good for him, even if he does grumble and complain occasionally (but he's a Walpole man and they grumble and complain about EVERYTHING).
Anyways, here's some pics that I took of their first games!  YAY!
I don't think she was fully awake when the game started...

Go Emmy, Go!

Katie found a little seashell at the park that became her new treasure.

At least they got a good workout!

Brandon's game

I think this was when they took it all the way across the field and scored.

Still holding onto her seashell...

Why, yes, I believe he is doing ballet in the middle of a soccer game???

Team huddle with dad :)

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