Brandon had his first day of kindergarten today. He was soooo excited to ride the bus and it was actually on time in the morning (which is a HUGE accomplishment for the buses around here). Of course it was 20 minutes late in the afternoon and they told me the wrong place to pick him up, but we got it all figured out. He got lost on his way to class this morning so they had to hunt him down but they found him and got him to class. He absolutely loves his new teacher, Mrs. Carlstrom. She seems to be really sweet. I hope he'll make some great friends in his class because he doesn't know anyone there.

Last week we had some terrible hail. In fact it was the worst hailstorm I've ever seen! Just the first hailstorm lasted 20 minutes and then there were two more after that. Unfortunately our poor garden didn't do so well with all of the hail. Our 15 tomato plants were just getting lots of big red tomatoes on them too. Now they're all mush and most of the tomatoes got knocked to the ground. Our cucumbers are completely gone and our zucchinis are shredded but trying so hard to survive. Our peas were knocked to the ground so they died too. Oh well...maybe we'll have better luck next year.
I made some new dresses for Emmy and Katie. They love them! Of course they love all dresses. They're jus

t dresses kind of girls. Somedays it's a battle to get them to wear anything else! I'd only had the material for like three months before I actually got them done. I think I often have too many ideas and not enough time to do them!
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