So all parents have those times when they feel like they are at the end of their rope. (At least I think all parents do, but maybe it's just me.) Like for example yesterday we lost Katie's cup at my in-laws house. I looked upstairs, downstairs, inside, outside, and everywhere else I could think of but it just wasn't there. Now you have to understand that Katie is pretty fond of her sacred red sippy cup. She does not like to go to bed without it. We thought that we could get her to go to bed with another cup but boy were we wrong....
At first it seemed okay. She wasn't screaming as much as the last time we tried this. In fact, she hardly screamed at all. The only problem was that she couldn't fall asleep. Apparently she has to have the sacred red sippy cup in order to fall asleep. So after putting her back in bed several times, scolding her, ignoring her, and even finally yelling at her, we had no luck. She even wet the bed in order to stay awake! She refused to go to sleep. Finally I got tired enough that I just figured as long as she stayed in her room and was quiet I didn't care what she was doing, I was going to go to sleep.
Well I was almost asleep (you know that nice happy comfortable place before you fall asleep) when I heard the little pitter-patter of her little feet coming across the house. So I thought maybe if I ignore her and pretend to be sleeping she will go away. Once again I was wrong. I heard a little "mommy, mommy, mommy" and I didn't respond but then suddenly WHAP! She hit me in the face with her magic wand and said "Look mommy, I'm a pretty princess." So let's just say I was definitely not a happy mommy and I roll over and look at her and sure enough she is dressed like a princess from head to toe including the crown and glass slippers. I couldn't help but laugh even though I was tired beyond belief and incredibly grumpy by this time. I admit I thought of duct taping her to her bed but of course I didn't. My little princess eventually went to sleep but needless to say that today we are going to the store to buy a new red sippy cup.
The moral of the story is never lose your sense of humor...some days it may be the only thing that keeps you going!

And apparently my darling 3 year old daughter has her first boyfriend. I didn't even know she knew what a boyfriend was but she says he loves her and she loves him and they were rubbing each other backs and hugging the other day...scary!
For those of you who haven't seen it, this is the infamous Brandon E-brake in his gator! It starts already....
That is so funny!! I would probably laugh at Lexi if she came in dressed like a pricess too. hehehe You're not the only one who gets to the end of their rope with their kids!!!!
Does the boyfriend happen to be someone in her sunbeam class??? Because if it isn't...she is totally a two-timer!! I could hardly hold a straight face teaching music last week watching the two "love birds" rub backs, hug, and yup, kiss (dont' worry, it was just on the cheeks).
How absolutely funny! How many kids do you have? What are their names and ages? It's been so long since I've seen you guys!! How are you! My blog is http://timandsarahrunyon.blogspot.com Feel free to check it out!
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