We had a pretty good Valentine's Day this year although Douglas and I are not really big into Valentine's Day. We had fun making yummy treats though. We made cute little candies and some dipped Oreos, which were quite delish! We also made some strawberry creme filled cupcakes, which I just kind of made up as we went along because I didn't really want to use just plain jam inside of them. I think they turned out pretty good, especially with the whipped cream icing. It complemented the filling perfectly. The kids had fun making their Valentines for all of their friends. I got to help with Brandon's class party, which was a lot of fun. I help in his class every Friday and I love it! I am going to get a substitute teaching license so I can be a substitute teacher, especially since we'll have a new school just blocks from our house next year. I'm just trying to decide if I want to do it now or wait until Katie starts school...decisions, decisions!
Brandon was invited to Chuck-E-Cheese for his friend's birthday party. Of course I couldn't really walk the girls inside Chuck-E-Cheese with me to drop him off and then make them leave without playing so we had to stay and play :) They had a blast, as usual. It was crazy though because it was Saturday and it felt like there were a million people crammed in there. Fun times! I didn't get any pictures of Brandon because he was running around with his friends and I hardly saw him. It will be kind of nice when the girls are big enough that they can run around without me next to them the whole time too!
We've started a "rock jar" at our house. On days when the kids are good and do their chores they get to put a small rock in the jar. When they are the little monster children that they can sometimes be then I get to take a rock out of the jar. Then when the jar is full they get to pick somewhere fun to go as a family, like Chuck-E-Cheese or Family Funplex or bowling or the zoo. They seem to be really excited about it so we'll see how it goes. Hopefully it will help with the bad attitudes that have been a little more frequently lately. It's worth a try!