We've had an incredib

ly busy July and it's only half over!!!!! Of course it started out absolutely amazing with Justin, Jamie, and Lexi in town for the 4th of July =). We had the usual completely chaotic 4th of July out at the farm like we do every year. Luckily no one got blown up and they did a very impressive fireworks show! Of course we started off with a nice big breakfast to get ready for the day. I can't believe how many kids there are in the family now! We're taking over the world one Walpole at a time!

Then of course we had to make homemade root beer, which the kids thought was so cool because we used dry ice and it looked like witch's brew.
The kids had the most fun with the fireworks though. The loved the sparklers and the little snappers too!

Then the next week my Uncle Kirby and his family came to visit for a few days. It was great to see all of them again. We had a great time playing Farkle!

Today was my little Emmy's 4th birthday. She's growing up so fast! She had a great time at her party. Her favorite part was opening the presents of course! We had all of her cousins who live close come to a party at our house. Emily really wanted an Ariel cake this year (she has always loved Ariel) but I had never done one like this before. It was fun and I think it turned out okay. Of course it could be better, but she loved it anyway.
When Douglas got home we took the kids to the Windsor Lake to swim. It was tons of f

un! The kids are little fishes I swear! We had to literally drag Katie out of the water even though her little chin was quivering really bad. We'll have to go back again soon. Of course I think our next big adventure is going to be Elitches because all of our kids are finally big enough to ride the kid rides. Yay!